
Showing posts from 2008

Tagged Myself...

Just found a lot of people tagging each other in this blog world with the same questions and so thought of tagging myself!! :) :) Ten Firsts: 1) First Best Friend: Karthi, my cousin!! 2) First Vehicle: Hercules MTB 3) First Crush: May be Ramya ( Sixth STD Friend) J 4) First Wound: Fracture on my right hand which I had while chasing my brother at the age 4 I guess. 5) First Kiss: May be my mom and dad... 6) First Book: Sincerely I don’t remember. 7) First Fist Flight: Till date did not get a chance to fly :( 8) First Blue: When my parents left me in the hostel for the first time in my life. 9) First Vengeance: When I was got betrayed by one of my best friend during my Sixth STD. 10) First Appreciation: During Tenth standard when I painted a scene of Silapathigaram; Kannagi serves food to Kovalan. Nine Lasts: 1) Last Alcoholic Beverage: hmm...A month back wit my friends... 2) Last Bike Ride: To my office, today morning… 3) Las

My Salutes to the Brave Heros!!!

India is again under terror attack and this is the worst attack that we ever had. On a normal working day it started by shooting erratically at people, throwing grenades, these were few of the dreadful acts done by the terrorists. The places which are always full of people and bustled with activity were made targets and people were brutally killed. The army had to fight a fierce a battle in three places to rescue lives of people who are stuck in theses places. Mumbai is not the only city which is calling out loud for some help, it is whole India shouting out loud and there is no one to listen and perhaps reach out. What exactly do we all do, sit back and relax by watching the media whatever it shows us. What are we doing? Are we supposed to be the mute spectators of life forever and ever? Is life all about being coward and maintaining a distance from things which haven’t affected us personally? How will our future generations look back and react to such a situation? What I can think of

Vaaranam Aayiram!!

I am a big fan of Goutham Menon, since after watching the movie Kakha Kakha, I like the way he deliver the screenplay. That gives me a big curiosity on whatever film he starts. That applies to this movie “Vaaranam Aayiram”. Simply the title itself is poetic. Yes! This is the lines by Andaal when she describes what kind of guy she dreams about. The movie is also like poetry, every bit and piece of the movie is directed with enormous commitment and certainly importance. Wow… If not for Surya, may be I wouldn't have been writing this blog with such great concern. His performance as Krishnan was outstanding, full credits the humbleness shown in his acting. The movie is a biography, a quick recap by a son about his father when he gets to know that he is no more. Simply the story can be said in couple of lines. But the emotions, love, passion and motivations in the movie make it a treat to cherish. This movie just swept me off my feet. Another important aspect is the songs. They are beau

Happy Children's Day!!!


The Namesake!!!

Well, I had seen this movie last week and I liked it massively then. I felt obligated to write something about it. It is a very good movie and what makes it really good to watch is the acting performance of the entire cast. If a movie deals with emotions then it transcends many boundaries and has a universal appeal. Plot: A young, educated Bengali man named Ashoke (Irfan Kahn) is the only person to survive a deadly train crash, giving him a new philosophy of life which leads him to travel to America with his wife by an arranged marriage, Ashima (Tabu). We see Ashima coming to terms with her future involving this strange man in a strange country—neither of which she can escape from. Time passes and the couple begins to grow close especially because of the birth of their son whom Ashoke decides to name Gogol (Kal Penn), after Russian novelist Nikolai Gogol, whose book he was reading when he experienced the train crash. The rest of the film stays with Ashoke, Ashima and Gogol as each mu


You would think that human beings are intelligent mammals. What do they say? Intelligence is what separates us from the animals. But in some occasions we act worse than animals themselves. Why is it that when something happen between two parties, the faster most likely route to take is the path to conflict? And what is this about diplomacy? Don’t get me wrong. I’m not taking about politics. As a matter of fact I hate even the word. I’m talking about the fake attempt to resolve a conflict without having the best interest at hand. In general, when most human beings do something, usually it is done with their own interests at hand. If this action is done in a matter that does not fit the conception of a well done action for the order human being, then it is taken as a symbol of personal attack. Then the conflict starts. Can we all realize that we all have a different conception of reality? What for some is consider a well done deed, others take it as the most wretched action in the face o

Good news for me!!

I am the happiest man in he world... I mean it. I wanted to remember this day for ever and that is the reason for me to post this. I had one of the most happiest moment in my life and wanted to remember this date for ever. My life will be more beautiful from today. Hurray!!

It's MY Birthday!!!

It's MY Birthday!!! Happy birthday to me... Happy birthday to me... Happy birthday Januuu... Happy birthday to me.. How old am I now? I turn another year older today. But the world stays pretty much the same. And I don’t know if I am wiser or anything. Maybe I’ve learned some life’s lessons from a few experiences here and there, a few things were added to my memory bank, I’ve gained or lost a few pounds, and my age is now XX+1. But I’m still pretty much the same person, and the world hasn’t changed much. I still have my besties; there are such good friends and exactly at 12am on 16th June, they rounded me up and gave some nice birthday bums. And they surprised me with a big chocolate cake and half went waste by having in my face. I thought it was over but still they poured Pepsi on me and we celebrated it very much. Thanks a lot buddies. You guys made my day. Thanks a million bunch for those who wish me and also gave me the presents. I loved it. In my office, I had a big blast alon

Well Said!!!



Now here is a paradox I am writing this blog to figure out whether I write blog just for the sake of writing or do they really mean something. Well if I do write them just for sake purpose then how should I qualify the blog I am writing right now? This is amusing. And I think I cannot solve this. In fact this is not the only confusion I am reeling in I have loads of them. The other most prominent one I can think of is “Pretension” . Sometimes I get this feeling that all my feelings are nothing but me just pretending. No matter what I think or do I feel that I am pretending. So does that make this feeling also a pretension? There you go another paradox. Sometimes it becomes so confusing that I just failed to differentiate between my true and false thoughts. I know you guys must be thinking what kind of person he is? At least one knows when he is pretending and when he is not. But believe me I do get tangled up a lot in this. It’s just me and my thoughts. But where is actual me or this m

what’s so special about today’s day?

Another day, another morning, what’s so special about today’s day? Well frankly speaking nothing. It is same as any other day. One thought that always move around in my mind, sticking to me like glue-why life is so boring? I don’t know about others but at least mine absolutely is. I always feel that something is lost, that there is more to life then what is visible to the eyes. Everything looks the same; I mean same old days, same old people, same old ideas, same old philosophies and list just goes on and on. I mean everything is repetitive. But I also see people who look really happy. What is that they have and I don’t? May be they are just carrying false faces. I mean just pretending to be happy but deep down they are as shattered as me, as lost as me. Could be they are just ignorant, so busy with their lives that they don’t even have time for themselves. You know what! This point of ignorance raises another question. Who is better placed in life those who are ignorant or those who a

Absolute Bliss!!!

Absolutely, somewhere there's someone, who dreams about your smile, and finds in your presence, that life is worth while, so when you are lonely, just remember it's true, somebody somewhere is thinking of you. Really that makes you feel good and at that moment you will experience a 'bliss', this is called LIFE. I found these lines are extremely great in the way it was sculptured. Have a glance at these lines, it'll defenitely make you undertsnad the reality. "" Wait for the girl who pursues you,The one who will make an ordinary moment seem magical;The kind of girl who brings out the best in you and makes you want to be a better person.Wait for the girl who will be your best friend;The person who will drop everything to be with you at any time of the day no matter what the circumstances.Wait for the girl who makes you smile like no other girl makes you smile,and when she smiles you know she needs you.Wait for the girl who wants to show you off to the world

Kal Ho Na Ho!!!!

Last week I had a chance to see this movie. Kal ho na ho is a great movie, one of my favourites, from the start till the end, it reaches every empty corner of your heart, and at times inspiring. Life is very short and valuable. It shouldn’t be wasted in paltry quarrels. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. If you’ll try and notice carefully, you’ll find that each person is beautiful in his own unique way. When this happens you’ll start loving everyone. With love, will spread happiness! And it will be at this point of time, that you can live your life to the fullest! So, live and let live. Genuinely! Scenes I love in the movie are : > Entry of Sharukh Khan > Pretty Woman song sequence > Shahrukh tells preity that he’s already married > Near the sea, conversation between Preity and Jaya Bachan > When shahrukh reads saif's blank diary > The scene where Shahrukh tells saif that if he was in his place he would never let his first love go….Ultimately the complete mo

What a bugging life is this????

Well, I was kinda busy for all these days, and felt really bad that my life's become very busy and it is moving without a balance. But you never let me down at any cost. Hmmm. Thank you buddy!! Today it was not bad, neither good. I have never enjoyed any of 'Monday’s' unless otherwise it was holiday. Almost every Monday, it will be a bad day or big day. From last week my life was in a miserable state. There was a big change in my life style. My project got changed and moved to another nearby office. I didn’t had a single good day after shifting my place. Surely it'll take time to settle down here... hmm let c... This is how I will make up my mind every time while facing some challenge. Today the best part was, I received couple of good news’s. My brother got qualified for his interview. Certainly his result was expected, but when it comes real definitely the excitement level will be really high. Yes, really happy about that. Similarly my friend got a good recognition in